Saturday, December 10, 2011


This day didn't start off very well but as time passes I've come to appreciate this day more and more.

I woke up at approximately 5:15 AM, with my Mom shouting at me because she's making it a big deal that I'm gonna have them called to school soon (and I should start being punctual again). I played The Boys repeatedly the whole time I got ready for school, and even on my way to school while fantasizing on the four of us dancing it on stage. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I didn't pay much attention on MAPEH class, since the entire report of the whole class is scanned online, so I spent the time reading The Thief Lord. The same thing happened with Humanities class. Oh yeah, I forgot to pass my t-shirt project. Oh well.

I spent half of the vacant time eating in the school cafeteria. As for the last half hour, I continued reading The Thief Lord. Kasandra (aka KIM) and Cleverlyn sat with us, and I was so into reading I didn't notice the times when they were talking to me, when I thought they were actually talking to Alison. They even had to poke me to get their attention.

I found the quiz on Physics class quite easy, considering that I never bothered to open my notebook to review or even scan my notes. I didn't get the perfect score, though, since everyone was wrong on question number 1. Our teacher left us with the student teacher. When we asked why, she answered, "We're going to dance". Kenneth L and I simultaneously laughed aloud, and my other classmates, after suddenly getting the joke, joined in the laughter

Again, I found English class the best among the classes I had today. As I've said earlier, we were discussing into the deeper parts of the story, like the psychological factors and such. But as usual, my teacher killed it. She never fails to make me amazed by her explanations. I believe there's nothing more I could add. Oh yeah, if you want to read the story, click here.

Our teacher was out on Filipino class, so we've got the student teacher to take care of us. I wasn't really paying much attention since I continued reading The Thief Lord again.

Lunch time was pretty long, since our Math teacher arrived really late for some unknown reasons.

We didn't have classes on Finite Math because our teacher was on Class Adviser mode today. She was scolding her advisory class, so they decided to have an open forum, which took place on our Finite Math period.

We spent Economics time drawing a poster and/or slogan about consumption. Most of us didn't take it seriously; I for one drew something that could come out on 9gag, as well as my other classmates who only made a slogan that says "I wasted the lead of my pencil", which was pretty hilarious.

I rode home while repeatedly playing The Boys just like what I did this morning.

I got to twitter as soon as I can, and tweeted my eldest sister Happy Birthday. My best friends told me to greet her for them, so I did, and she told me to thank them back.

I never had any decent photos with her, so I guess this will do.

Now here comes the funny part/s of my day. My classmate Kenneth D. (who everyone calls Domasian) started writing his Filipino essay on Alison's mini notebook. He doesn't have any idea what to name the protagonist, so he decided to name her Tiffany (since Tiffany's his bias on SNSD). The story's very revealing, considering that it's inspired by a real couple, and when he narrates it to our class we all burst into laughter because the way he writes and narrates it was very hilarious.

When Finite Math period came, we left our bags outside the classroom since we're not gonna have classes anyway. When we came to get our bags, Kenneth D unconsciously left the notebook and he later became really paranoid as soon as he realizes it.

Another funny thing on Kenneth D today was his poster on Economics class. His first draft was about fishes. It has a jellyfish on it, and it says, "Stop consuming the fish, save the jellyfish." I don't really get it but when I read it to my classmates they ended up bursting into laughter so I did, too.

His second draft was another funny one to me, but is left unfinished. He asked me if this was okay, but I only responded in laughter. I then suggested that he should put a cross on it, but I really wasn't serious.

Here's the one he submitted.

But the funniest thing he did for today was the one about his wishlist. If this wishlist of mine is long to you...

 ...then I guess this would be uhh... longer?

So I guess that's all for this day. Damn, it took me 3 days to write this post 'cause I keep falling asleep during the night whenever I come to write this.

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